If you want your site added, Email vithar @ goheathen.org please put
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Listen to Music, chat with other heathens, or download Podcasts
Asatru Alliance Around since the 70's. This group is organized as a voluntary alliance of like-minded Kindreds. Only basic information is available here.
Asatrú Folk Assembly Group formed by Steve McNallen
in 1994.
Irminsul Aettir
Popular Asatru site. Has a contact by area map for locating people and Kindreds.
Rune Guild Edred Thorrson's
International Rune Study Group, headquartered in Bastrop, TX
Rune Net - an Austrailian based Rune Study group.
Frigga's Web Family
oriented site!
Eagle Grove Kindred - Based in Venus Texas, but folks from all over the metroplex
Order of the Odalists - presumably somewhere in Texas, a bit unclear from the website. But they have a contact form to find out more info.
Raven Kindred of the Asatru Alliance
Aernfolk -Eagles Reaches Scandinavian-based North American Folk religion (florida)
Gorm the Wired Viking a humorous site
The Viking
Answer Lady Good articles dealing with common questions!
Jorvik Viking Center - a guided tour through a viking village, online!
World Tree an AA shop w/ lots of good stuff. We've ordered from them before, and have always been very happy with the products.
- Ásatrú and runes Long list of links, organized into subjects!